There are a lot of different ways you can bookmark your read chapters in manga. Pick whichever one works best for you. Here are five ways you can save your place in manga:

MyAnimeList is a great resource to keep track of both anime and manga. You can add manga that you are currently reading, manga that you have completed, manga that is on hold, manga that you have dropped, and manga that you intend to read. You can also add the chapters and volumes you have read, so it’s a great way to bookmark your manga and remember where you left off the next time you read. However, you must go in and manually update your read chapters as you read more.

Bookmarking with a browser

You can bookmark the webpage you are reading online for a quick and easy method. There are a few different options with this one. You could either bookmark the chapter you’re currently reading, or you could bookmark the manga’s information or home page. Many websites will show you that you’ve already read a chapter by changing the color of the chapter link.

Word document

You can also simply write down your most recent manga chapter in a word document. It’s simple and fairly quick to do, especially once you already have a designated file made and saved. However, you will have to remember to go in and edit it yourself whenever you read more.

Writing it down

I used to just write down the last chapter of each manga I had read. Of course, I use more technological means nowadays, but writing it down on a sheet of paper accomplishes the same goal. You’ll need a good place to store the paper so it doesn’t get misplaced, and you’ll probably need new papers over time. You can also write it down in a notepad of some sort, as well as place it in a spot where it won’t get lost. I’ve created a manga list you can download if you want a organized guide.

Creating accounts on (safe) manga sites

Some websites will save your place for you if you create an account with them. It may depend on how the website itself handles it, but I know of several that automatically label whatever chapter you click on as “read” as long as you’re signed in. Any new chapters would be unread, and the site would make the distinction between read and unread clear. So the website takes care of everything and all you have to do is read your manga.

What ways do you save your place in manga? Let me know in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe.