Weekly Recommendations is a post I publish every Friday where I recommend three different kinds of entertainment. These can include anime, comics, TV shows, video games, tabletop games, and other similar forms of entertainment. They may also vary in intended audience, genre, and age.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 

  • Movie 
  • Superhero, Action 

Following a spider bite, Miles Morales begins to exhibit symptoms that are eerily similar to those that Peter Parker experienced. The two meet, and Peter Parker offers to help Miles through the changes, but he dies. Miles is left alone with new powers he does not understand and the burden of stopping Kingpin. Miles visits Peter Parker’s grave and encounters another Peter Parker from another universe. The two work together to stop Kingpin and return Peter to his universe. Along the way, they meet other spider-people who wish to return home as well.

Warehouse 13 

  • TV Show, 64 episodes 
  • Science Fiction, Action, Fantasy, Mystery 

Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer of the United States Secret Service investigate and retrieve supernatural artifacts that can be dangerous if misused or in the wrong hands. When they find and neutralize the artifact, they keep it in warehouse 13, a secret warehouse in South Dakota.

The Rain of Teardrops, and Serenade 

  • Manga 
  • Romance, Comedy, Historical, Drama 

Katagiri Hina, an ordinary high school student, is suddenly transported to 1907. She meets a man named Hongo Takaaki, who misidentifies her as his fiancée, with whom she shares a strong resemblance. After meeting this fiancée, Hina pretends to be her so she can find a way to travel back to her time.

Check out last week’s Weekly Recommendations for more.

Do you have any of your own recommendations? Don’t forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe.