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Star Rating:

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Set between Episodes 2 and 3 of the movies, Star Wars: The Clone Wars follows the adventures and battles of Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and his new padawan Asoka Tano, along with other allies and enemies, during the war between the Republic and the Separatists.  

I watched some of this cartoon series back when it was first airing, but I never saw the whole series. I enjoyed it back then, but I just found it hard to be able to watch it every week.  

Now that I finally watched the entire series, I thought I would share my opinion. I think it’s a good series. It’s entertaining, fairly well written, and has good characters. Most of the characters are ones we already know, obviously.  

I do have a few minor complaints about it. The start of each episode always feels like you’re thrust into the middle of a story, like there was an episode you missed. However, you really didn’t miss anything at all, which can make it a little confusing. That would be especially true if you were watching this week to week on TV. 

I also thought it was strange that there would be episodes that connected from previous ones in entirely different seasons. It didn’t make it confusing per se, but it did feel like the organization of the episodes was a little odd.  

Lastly, there seemed like there was a time skip in the series, but it was never addressed. Asoka looked a little older, had a different outfit, and suddenly had different lightsabers, but there was never any explanation for the changes. While it didn’t affect understanding the story itself, it did make it feel like I was missing an episode and made it a little hard to place everything that was going on within the Star Wars timeline. 

However, those minor complaints I had never stopped me from enjoying the series. I found it fun to watch. It was interesting to see various battles and other issues going on during the Clone Wars around the Star Wars universe. It was especially interesting to see hints of Anakin’s darker side that we really didn’t get to see in the movies because of time constraints. 

I also really like Asoka Tano. I did back then when I first watched this, and even more so now. She’s well written and has a likable personality. She’s confident, but not perfect. She understands that she has a lot to learn and trusts in Anakin to teach her. She’s a child growing up as a soldier in a war, and the effects that have on how she views the world and people around her are nicely done. 

The other thing I really like about Star Wars: The Clone Wars is the detail they gave to the clones. We got to see so much more of them. Some of the best characters from this series are the clones. Honestly, I liked some of them so much that I got emotional when bad things happened to them. And I have to say, while the voice acting was excellent throughout the whole series, Dee Bradley Baker playing the clones and actually giving them slightly different voices depending on their personalities was incredible and a real testament to his ability as a voice actor.  

Some episodes and story arcs were a bit more interesting than others. I think there were a few that could have been shorter during the final season. It also felt a little like the ending of the series happened abruptly, but I don’t think they really wanted to show much of that since we see the majority of the most important parts in the movie. 

Overall, I really liked Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I think it’s an entertaining cartoon. It’s appropriate for various age ranges, and I think that most Star Wars fans would enjoy watching it. I do recommend it to those who like Star Wars. It’s pretty long though, so be prepared to take a while to get through it if you want to watch the entire series. 

Check out my reviews of some other TV series as well.

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2 thoughts on “Star Wars: The Clone Wars Review”
  1. The clone wars can be great at its best, the episodes and arcs that aren’t are really the ones you can see were for the kids because despite it being a cartoon there are some really dark and deep episodes with some cold blooded murder, the reason the last few seasons 5, 6&7 feel a little like something is missing or end with some disjointed arcs is that they didn’t know if they were getting renewed and for season 6&7 there were literally some years in between as they were trying to get a network to pick up another season so they were released on 2 or 3 different networks. They ended very strong on the siege of mandalor though, it’s a rare show where it got better every season, it is an invaluable addition to the star wars epic, the Bad Batch picks up right where the clone wars left off and is so criminalally underrated.

    1. Thanks for the comment! Yes, I know the ending seasons were much later than the original 5, but I agree with you. I did enjoy the ending. I’m glad we get the Bad Batch though, because that feels a little bit like a continuation. (I love seeing Rex pop up from time to time.) I’ve been watching the Bad Batch, after I finished the Clone Wars, and I’ve been loving it. I’ll probably do a review on it later on as well. It definitely deserves more attention.

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