Star Rating:

Rating: 10 out of 10.

After Davina’s parents died in a fire, her nanny raised her to be an elite nanny. Upon graduating from her nanny’s elite nanny school, Davina’s first client is Gabriel Angelini, who wants Davina as his son’s nanny. But Gabriel is a dangerous Venetian underboss, and his family might be the ones who killed her parents. As she looks for information regarding the deaths of her parents, Davina is determined to keep Mikey safe so he doesn’t end up like she did. 

The Mafia Nanny is a well-written and interesting webtoon. It’s honestly become one of my favorite webtoons to read, and I spent a lot of hours trying to win coins to unlock more episodes on Honestly though, this webtoon is worth it. 

The artwork is great. It’s a webtoon, so it has a similar style to many others, but there’s still a uniqueness to the way everything is drawn. There’s so many attractive characters in this one, physically and personality-wise.  

I adore some of the outfit choices, especially for Davina. She’s had some really great dresses that were designed really well. There are a few specific outfits that come to mind that really stand out.  

As I said earlier, many of the characters have great personalities. The main characters are really well thought out and appealing. Side characters are given proper justice, with enough detail peppered in throughout the story that makes them interesting.  

Davina herself is extremely lovable. She’s smart and capable and good at her job, but she’s not perfect. She’s vulnerable in certain ways. She feels very real and human. She wants to protect Mikey, and she’ll do anything to accomplish that, but she’s not comfortable with a lot of what the mafia does. There are also times where she’s just really cool. 

The same can be said about Gabriel. He’s charming, and yes, he’s a mafia underboss, but he isn’t as bad as you might think. And he’s a great father. He cares about his son and wants to protect him as much as he can from the mafia world. 

Mikey, Gabriel’s son, is adorable. He tries to be mature for his age, and in some ways, he is, because of the way he’s grown up. But he’ll simultaneously be such a child that it’s cute and funny at the same time. It makes him very likable.  

The story itself is excellently written. It’s paced really well and has a good balance of different genres. There’s enough action to keep things interesting and shake up the peace. There’s plenty of funny moments that offer some comedic relief. And there’s a romance developing between Davina and Gabriel. (The reason I started reading the webtoon in the first place. I love some romance.) 

The romance is added in really well also. It’s not done at times when it doesn’t feel right, but there are nicely placed moments that fit really well within the story. It’s not moving too fast, but it also doesn’t feel like the development is going too slow.  

There’s a lot of unknowns in the story, like if the Angelini’s really had something to do with Davina’s parents’ deaths, and these mysteries really keep you wanting to read more to find out the truth. The Mafia Nanny also has other really great plot points, but if I mention them now, I’d be spoiling some of it, and I wouldn’t want to do that. 

It’s clear that those working on this story care about it. The Mafia Nanny is a well-written story with great characters. There’s a lot of detail in the storyline, characters, and artwork. It’s a webtoon that I really enjoy reading and can’t wait for more episodes to come out every week to read more. I highly recommend it and think a lot of other people would enjoy reading it too. 

Check out some of my other webtoon reviews.

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