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Star Rating:

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is set in the Dungeons and Dragons world and follows Edgin, a thief and bard, along with Holga, Simon, and Doric as they rescue Ed’s daughter, Kira, from their old thieving partner, Forge. In their absence, Forge has become the Lord of Neverwinter and has convinced Kira that her father abandoned her out of greed. 

I really enjoyed this movie and honestly think it deserves more attention. It’s well-written, has a good story, great characters and acting, and is just plain fun to watch. I genuinely think it’s unfortunate that it didn’t do as well as it should have in theaters. 

Frankly, I think this movie suffered from poor advertising. Both in terms of amount and of how they advertised. I don’t remember seeing much advertisement for it before it came out. It’s definitely underrated and deserves to have more people watch it. 

I’m not exceptionally familiar with Dungeons and Dragons lore, as I’ve only played it once a very long time ago. So, I’m not too familiar with how it stands as an adaptation. But I do know that you can often create whatever story you want, so I think this movie did a good job balancing it being its own story set in the Dungeons and Dragons world.

With that out of the way, the story is well-written and interesting. There’s never a dull moment. It never drags on or feels slow. But it also doesn’t feel confusing or rushed. And while it’s mostly just a fun adventure movie to watch, there’s some heart in the underlying story. 

All the characters were likable and well-cast. All the actors did an excellent job portraying their character. Each character adds something to the story and is unique in their own way. No character is treated poorly to make another one look better and they all had a part to play in the story. 

The movie doesn’t necessarily ever feel like there’s much at stake. It doesn’t tend to take anything too seriously, but that’s what makes it fun. It’s full of adventure, and that’s what makes it enjoyable to watch. Still, there’s some heartfelt moments in there as well.

It’s also accessible for anyone who doesn’t even know what Dungeons and Dragons is. While there’s plenty in the movie to show that it’s in the D&D world, from races and creatures to magic and locations, there’s still enough natural explanation where those who haven’t even heard of D&D can just enjoy the movie as a comedic fantasy adventure. 

Though, given the way the game is, it would have been nice to see a little bit more of, well, dungeons and dragons. It was a little lacking in that. Still, adapting a board game like D&D can be hard to do, especially with such versatility to the game playing, but Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves really does feel like someone’s campaign. 

I had fun watching it and enjoyed the story and characters. Though I know it didn’t do all that well in theaters, I hope to see a sequel. There’s plenty more they could do with the characters, as well as introduce new ones. Honestly, I just hope for more fantasy adventure movies because we’ve been lacking in those for a very long time. They don’t all have to be Lord of the Rings, but some more otherworld fantasy with magic and swords would be nice.

Check out my other movie reviews as well.

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