Most anime fans are familiar with filler episodes, which are typically more comedic episodes of an anime that occur in between arcs. The majority of anime fans seem to dislike them, based on what I’ve seen and heard. Now, I understand the reasoning behind disliking them. 

Most anime that has filler episodes is shounen, which focuses on action and plot. Those episodes waste time on comedy instead of action or moving the plot forward. Fans understandably want more of the main story instead of side stories. 

However, I enjoy filler episodes and believe that anime fans are too harsh on them. I’ll explain why I like them, and hopefully it will change someone’s opinion, or at the very least make them dislike filler episodes a little less. 

Filler episodes let me see other sides of characters 

Filler episodes put the main characters (and sometimes supporting characters) in situations and scenarios that aren’t seen very often. It makes me feel like I’m learning more about them. We see other parts of their personality and what they might do in other settings. As someone who enjoys creating characters, I see these filler episodes as another opportunity to show more details about them. 

We might see them interacting with family members. We may watch them buying items they like. We might even see them in different clothes. Some people like certain characters over others (often in the form of ‘crushes’), and I believe that these filler episodes provide you with more chances to see that character. 

Filler episodes offer relief from serious situations

The main genre of filler episodes is comedy, and they provide a break from the more serious moments that take place during the main arcs. After all, that’s the purpose of “comic relief.” It offers a break from things getting too serious. 

Real life is hard. I think entertainment should help reduce stress and allow you to forget about your problems. Of course, this doesn’t mean that it should always be this way. There are plenty of reasons for serious entertainment. 

A well-written story will include a lot of character development. Most shounen will also include fights and interesting storylines. There’s nothing wrong with them being more intense or serious most of the time. But that’s where fillers come in, to give you a break. Everyone needs some time to laugh and relax their minds. 

Filler episodes are still stories

They may be more comedic in nature and don’t advance the main plots. I know that they may not answer questions or reveal hidden information. However, they are still stories. They are just shorter stories, many of which can be told in one or two episodes. 

The story could play a role in characters bonding. Perhaps it adds a touch of romance between two characters. While those may not be of interest to everyone, as we are all free to like certain genres over others, that doesn’t mean an anime can’t have more than one or mix genres to offer everyone a little bit of something they enjoy. 


It’s okay if not everyone enjoys filler episodes. I understand. Everyone has different preferences, and it’s understandable to prefer the main story over side stories. However, they are not a complete waste of time. They still offer opportunities to see different aspects of the characters or add to the overall story in various ways, such as through friendship, bonding, or romance. They are still parts of the story overall. 

Personally, I enjoy watching them. I don’t expect to miraculously change everyone’s mind about filler episodes. You don’t have to like them. But maybe it’s okay to have them in anime, even if you don’t like them. Maybe they don’t have to be taken out or stopped just because some people don’t like them. Hopefully, people will be more understanding and recognize that they do offer something for some people. 

Check out my other opinion pieces as well.

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