Upcoming Winter Anime
Upcoming winter anime consists of December, January, and February. Some anime do not yet have specific release dates and thus only have the month listed. I’ll keep updating this post…
Recommendations, reviews, news, and more for all things geek
Upcoming winter anime consists of December, January, and February. Some anime do not yet have specific release dates and thus only have the month listed. I’ll keep updating this post…
Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, and while it may not provide as many opportunities for themed posts as Halloween or Christmas, I thought I’d include a list of…
Here’s a list of Marvel movies in chronological order, which means you’d watch them in the order the movie takes place. I also have a list of Marvel movies by…
As Halloween approaches, I thought I’d compile a list of geeky Halloween pumpkin carving ideas. The list will include ideas inspired by anime, video games, and other similar forms of…
I’m sure there are many of you who, like me, enjoy watching Halloween-themed movies throughout the month of October. So I compiled a list of Halloween movies to watch in…
I once saw a question on the internet from a mother asking people if there was any media with good characters with scars because there were so many evil characters…
Here’s an alphabetical list of all the upcoming fall anime to be released in September, October, and November. If any of these dates change, let me know and I will…
Although detailed and complicated cosplay can be a lot of fun and personally rewarding, there are times when you just want something simple. Perhaps this is your first time cosplaying,…
Check out this list of characters with helmets to cosplay if you want to cover your hair, some of your face, all of your face, or just find helmets really…
Many anime and manga fans want to purchase merchandise from their favorite shows. However, unless it is a major, popular series, anime merchandise is rarely found in regular stores. So,…