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First of all, let me state that I am not a big fan of first-person shooters. I’m not very good at them, and so I’ve only played them with others. So, when it comes to Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, I have no intention of playing the game alone because I will fail miserably. I was curious about the game, though, and since my brother bought it, I asked if I could play with him sometimes. Having said that, I still want to share my thoughts. This isn’t a comprehensive review of the game because I’m not playing it solo, but rather my personal first impressions.

I haven’t played any other Borderlands games, but the mechanics and feel are quite identical, according to my brother. If you like Borderlands, you’ll enjoy this one (unless you are tired of playing the same thing). Tiny Tina is the game master in this Dungeons & Dragons-style adventure. It’s a first-person shooter with various Borderlands guns. However, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands incorporates magic. You can use spells along with guns and melee weapons.

Of course, the story and ambiance of the game are completely strange and bizarre, as one would expect when Tiny Tina is your game master. It’s entertaining, and it works. There are tons of jokes throughout the game. In some cases, you can make decisions that will affect what happens, such as attempting to seduce your enemy rather than fighting him.

The game doesn’t take itself too seriously, but it has a good and engaging story behind it. You still have objectives and an overall story line to complete. There are plot holes and interruptions in the story’s continuity, but this is done on purpose. After all, Tiny Tina is creating the story, so she changes things up and improvises as she goes. It adds to the game’s craziness and hilarity.

When I first started playing, the gun movement felt extremely fast to me, and I struggled to line up my shots. My brother mentioned that the gun movement in Borderlands does tend to feel faster than in other games, but you can change it in the options. He did that for me, and we eventually found a level that felt right for me.

Although I’m not very good at first-person shooters, I discovered that once I found the right kind of gun that worked for me, I wasn’t as bad as I thought I’d be. There are numerous styles to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that suits you. The magic is also great. I use it while reloading my gun or feeling a little overwhelmed. I quite enjoy turning my enemies into sheep.

You can choose your class, and there is a pretty detailed character creation, though there aren’t many options at first. My brother and I picked the same hairstyle for our characters because there were only two that we both liked. You can get more options later in the game, and you can modify your character’s appearance whenever you choose.

According to my brother, when you play co-op, the graphics appear to be reduced. He once said that while he was playing, an area showed each blade of grass, but when we were playing, we didn’t see any.

It’s a long game with a lot of possibilities. There’s the main story, but there are also plenty of side missions and stories to explore. The main part of the game is a classic first-person shooter in an open world RPG, but there is also the Overworld, which is a detailed game board with a third person view. Both of these areas have side quests to complete, so there’s plenty to do.

There’s a lot more to this game, and I’ve only just scratched the surface. I’ve been having a lot of fun, and this is coming from someone who isn’t a big fan of first-person shooters. I think Borderlands fans will like it, but I also think it’s accessible to those who aren’t traditional first-person shooter players.

Yes, the game can be difficult, and if you aren’t very adept with guns, you might struggle on your own. However, the game provides plenty of options to compensate. You can play online co-op, split screen, and cross play. Enemies are leveled to match the players’ levels. If you are playing with someone who is at a higher level than you, their enemies will be on their level, but the enemies you face will be on your level. So, it’s a very approachable game, even for those who don’t play first-person shooters often.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a fun game. I enjoy playing it, and I intend to play it more. I’m looking forward to seeing what other types of crazy wackiness Tiny Tina has in store for me.

Check out my other video game reviews.

What do you think of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands? Let me know in the comments.