Gamers use a lot of acronyms, abbreviations, and terms. Check out this list of common abbreviations, acronyms, and video game terms used to communicate in and about games if you’re new to gaming or just don’t know them all.

I’ve been playing video games my whole life, but I’m not even familiar with all of the terminology. So, I did some research and came up with a list of the most commonly used acronyms, abbreviations, and video game terms. I’ll be adding new ones as I come across them.

Terms and Abbreviations

AFK: Away from keyboard
AoE: Area of affect
Boss: A main bad guy or final bad guy
Bots: Non-human opponents in multiplayer games
BR: Battle royale
BRB: Be right back
Buff: Beneficial effect to character
Cooldown: A certain amount of time you have to wait to use an ability again
Crafting: Making objects with gathered materials
DLC: Downloadable contenct
DOT: Damage over time
DPS: Damage per second
EXP/XP: Experience points
F2P: Free to play
FoV: Field of view
FPS: First person shooter
GG: Good game
Glitch: An issue in the game
Grinding: Repetitive actions for a specific outcome
HP: Health points
HUD: Heads-up display
Killstreak: The amount of kills a player has before they die
Lag: A delay between your command and the action happening in game
Loot: Items you can pick up usually after defeating an enemy
MMO: Massive multiplayer online game
MOBA: Multiplayer online battle area
Mod: Modification
MP: Mana or magic points
Nerf: Negative affect to character
Noob: New Gamer
NPC: Non-player character
OP: Over powered
PvE: Player versus environment
PvP: Player versus player
QTE: Quick-time event
Respawn: When a player comes back to life
RPG: Role-playing game
RTS: Real-tile strategy
SIM: Simulation game
Skin: Cosmetic change of the looks of your character
TBS: Turn based strategy
TPS: Third person shooter

Game Ratings

Rating Definition
ECEarly Childhood
E10+Everyone (10+)
RPRating Pending
AOAdults Only

Check out my comic book words glossary as well.

Let me know in the comments if I am missing any acronyms, abbreviations, or video game terms because I’ll add them.